What our Blue Ocean Law Group's Values?

Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales
Northern Territory
South Australia
Western Australia
New Zealand
All Australian States + Territories
U.S. Federal Law

Using our Values to Shape our Culture

Being a start-up, Blue Ocean Law Group's culture is still evolving.

Our culture is being shaped by our values and what we actually do versus what is supposed to happen!

Please find our current list of values (not in any particular order of importance) below:

Blue Cow!

"Every day, clients are faced with a lot of boring stuff - a lot of brown cows - but you can bet they won't forget a Purple Cow!

Our goal is to be truly remarkable in everything we do."

Delivering a Remarkable Client Experience

In line with our goal of being truly remarkable, in everything we do.
Our way of gauging our level of success in achieving our goal is to have our client's "remark positively" about their interactions with us + highly recommending our services to others.

Sustainability ➲ Paperless Law Firm

Unless we are forced to use paper by law (for eg., some Courts require hard copy filings) our standard approach is to continue our efforts to run as close as possible to being a 100% paperless law firm.

Blue Ocean Leadership

"We never cease to be amazed by the talent and energy we see in the organisations we study.
Sadly, we are equally amazed by how much of it is squandered by poor leadership.
Blue Ocean Leadership can help put an end to that."


“Our law firm’s products + services are for the large (85%) untapped market of non-clients who do not currently seek legal advice or support + currently believe lawyers are to be or can be avoided.
We will focus on individuals + businesses who want to take care of their own legal affairs for straight-forward legal matters (whenever practical).
Our legal team [with support from our network of collaborating law firms] will provide support as and when required when matters become complex or are high-value/risk.

Our Simple Marketing Promise

The template used to develop our Simple Marketing Promise was obtained from the book “This is Marketing” by Seth Godin's Akimbo Workshops.

“We offer memberships to individuals + businesses (who find our subscription pricing of less than the cost of a cup of coffee circa $3.50 per day a compelling proposition) inviting them to join us on a lifetime journey where we guide + empower them using innovative + proactive solutions to safely navigate hidden ice-bergs in life + business:
1️⃣ By taking care of their own legal affairs for straight-forward legal matters (whenever practical); and
2️⃣ Offering assistance from our legal team [supported by our network of collaborating law firms] as and when required for their complex or high-value/risk matters.
We promise that engaging with our free online 24/7 resources + [Self-Service] legal documents portal will help you get instant tailored legal documents (all Australian states + territories are covered) to serve your full range of personal + business needs using Embedded Lawyer-Logic™ designed by some of the best lawyers in their respective fields of practice.”

⭐️ Please note that our Bundled Member Subscriptions are currently only available for Australia. We are in the process of 'Charting New Markets' in New Zealand & California.

Attention to Detail

It may only be a minor typo … yet it can cause a major loss of confidence in the written content as well as the author and the organisation they represent.

Tips: If the matter is not urgent + you are not in a position to have someone else review:

✅ It is highly recommended to use software like Grammarly;

✅ Wait a few hours or even better “sleep on it” and take a fresh look the next day; and

✅ Learning about typography and using it to polish the work further is often overlooked by lawyers and other professionals.


Don’t wait for permission … get started with what you can do within your existing “approved” bailiwick.

Cognitive Diversity

Difference of opinion is highly valued and necessary to avoid “Group-think”!

Value-Innovation” Focused

You will need to research this concept within Blue Ocean Strategy®.

The Principles of Fair Process: Engagement, Explanation, and Expectation clarity

We cannot overstate the power of these principles.

Their impact has been written about extensively on the quality of execution for over 20 years.

See, for example, our article “Fair Process: Managing in the Knowledge Economy,” HBR July–August 1997.

See also this summary.


Within + across traditional boundaries.


We need to conduct ourselves in such a way that we are un - hack -  a -  bull!

See details below under Risk Management, Preventable Risks.

Step 1: Free Cybersecurity Awareness Training


A system in which advancement is based on individual ability or achievement.


Nothing is static; look to challenge our approach + assumptions.

Have Fun

Professionalism + fun are not mutually exclusive concepts.


Follow your interest and see where it leads.  

Not everything you do needs to be a billable hour.  

We schedule unproductive time devoted to exploring!


Clients don’t just have legal needs they have corporate governance (incl. strategy + ongoing risk management) + “business as usual” needs.

Launch First

Don’t wait until your product or service is perfect before launching.

Follow the LEAN Start-up approach.

Fight the good fight

Look for opportunities to put our skills as lawyers to fair use on a “pro-bono” basis or lobbying for law reform (if appropriate).


This FAQ was written by James D. Ford GAICD | Principal Solicitor, Blue Ocean Law Group℠.