opt-out NoticeS

Effective date: February 4, 2023

Privacy Rights Request Portal

Access our beta Privacy Rights Request Portal

Californians' LEGAL Rights

Opt-Out of Sale or Sharing of Personal Information

Limit the Use of Sensitive Personal Information

Children under 18 can request that ANY Personal Data Collected about them be DELETED

EU Residents' Legal Rights

EU residents Legal Right to Opt-out of Processing of their Data for Marketing Purposes

EU residents Legal Right to Withdraw Consent for all Processing Activities at Anytime

Privacy by Design

Blue Ocean Law Group’s “Advertising Free” Approach

We only use Cookies to better understand how you use our website so we can deliver a better User Experience

Proactive measures we have taken to protect your Privacy

Discover Your Personal Data Footprint ➲ Start Taking Control

What is Global Privacy Control (GPC)?

Google Analytics Opt-Out browser add-on

Industry Developed Opt-out Tools

Web Browser Choice or Settings

Blocking Mobile Advertising Identifiers

Advertising Platform Opt-Outs

How to Opt-out

Website User Opt-out Guide

Clearing Stored Cookies from your web browser's cache

What are the Consequences of Denying Consent to "All Cookies"?

Further Information

Legal NoticeS

If we did use Third-Party Cookies or our First-Party Cookies do not function as expected they may potentially collect Personally Identifiable Information about you whilst you are using our website

Our website DOES NOT RESPOND to your web browser's DO NOT TRACK signal (if you have set one)


What is a Cookie?

What is the difference between a First-Party Cookie and a Third-Party Cookie?

Privacy Rights Request Portal

Access our beta Privacy Rights Request Portal

Blue Ocean Law Group are currently in the process of implementing a dedicated Privacy Rights Request Portal which can be used to submit requests related to the exercise of your legal rights with regard to your personal information.

You can access our beta Privacy Rights Request Portal here.

This is what the beta version of our Privacy Rights Request Portal looks like.

Californians' Legal Rights

How Californian Residents can exercise their legal Right to Opt-Out of Sale or Sharing of their personal information?

If you are a California resident, to the extent that any sharing of data by Blue Ocean Law Group might be considered a “sale” of personal information under the most recent amendments to the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) made by the California Privacy Rights Act (“CPRA” or “CCPA 2.0”) which took legal effect January 1, 2023 then you have the legal right to opt-out.

⚖️ If you would like to proceed directly to opt-out please refer below for detailed instructions.

How Californian Residents can exercise their legal Right to Limit the use of their sensitive personal information?

Additionally, under the most recent amendments to the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) made by the California Privacy Rights Act (“CPRA” or “CCPA 2.0”) which took legal effect January 1, 2023 you also have the legal right to instruct Blue Ocean Law Group at anytime to limit the use of your "Sensitive Personal Information (SPI)" only as necessary to perform the services or provide the goods reasonably by an average consumer who requests those goods or services.

⚖️ We await your instructions in this regard which can be communicated to us at anytime via email to privacy@blueocean.law

California children under 18 can request that ANY personal data collected about them be deleted

In compliance with the 2015 "eraser bill" amendment to the California Online Privacy Protection Act of 2003 (CalOPPA), if you are a child (under 18) in California, we are legally required to advise you that you have the legal right to request that any personal data collected about you be deleted.

⚖️ We await your instructions in this regard which can be communicated to us at anytime via email to privacy@blueocean.law

EU Residents' Legal Rights

EU residents may Opt-out of processing of their data for marketing purposes or withdraw consent for all processing activities at anytime

Under the GDPR a data subject (EU Resident) may decide to opt-out of processing data for marketing purposes or withdraw consent for all processing activities, which obtains a similar result.

⚖️ If you would like to proceed directly to opt-out please refer below for detailed instructions.

Privacy by Design

Blue Ocean Law Group’s “Advertising Free” Approach

As discussed in more detail in our Privacy Policy, Blue Ocean Law Group does DO NOT SELL our users’ personal information in the traditional sense (i.e., in exchange for payment or for any other valuable consideration).

However, the most recent amendments to the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) made by the California Privacy Rights Act (“CPRA” or “CCPA 2.0”) which took legal effect January 1, 2023 define the term “sale” very broadly, such that it now includes transfers of personal information relating to Marketing or Advertising Cookies.

As described in Blue Ocean Law Group’s Cookie Policy, since its inception, Blue Ocean Law Group HAS NOT SOLD OR SHARED any data and HAS NO PLANS for our “Advertising Free” approach to change in future.

We only use cookies to better understand how you use our website so we can deliver a better user experience

Blue Ocean Law Group use Google Analytics +/or Google Analytics 4 and Google Tag Manager to better understand how you interact with our website as well as other Cookies to deliver you a better user experience and advanced features.

For clarity, our website Cookies are NOT USED TO TRACK YOU as you leave our website and move to other websites and are NOT USED TO ENABLE DELIVERY of interest-based advertisements to you.

Proactive measures we have taken to protect your Privacy

Wherever possible, Blue Ocean Law Group have taken proactive measures to protect your privacy.

For example, we have configured our Google Analytics setup on our website so that your IP Address is anonymized. This means that your anonymized IP Address cannot be used to link to you and consequently you can browse our website anonymously.

Private Browsing: Blue Ocean Law Group's website configuration anonymizes your IP address so that you can browse our website privately.

Discover + Take Control of Your Data Footprint

What’s your digital footprint?

Your digital footprint consists of personal data traces that you leave behind every time you interact on the internet. Having a digital footprint is part of modern life. This, however, doesn’t mean that we should leave unnecessary data behind that can expose us to digital risks. Minimize your online risks by keeping a small digital footprint.

Reduce your digital footprint with Mine

Enter your email address and in just 30 seconds your digital footprint will be revealed (using AI to scan the subject line of your emails). You can then discover all of the companies and services that are holding your personal data. The next step is easy! Review your footprint to decide which data you would like to keep and which data you like to reclaim.

Exercise your Legal Right to be Forgotten

Send an official deletion request with Mine, to exercise your “right to be forgotten” and take back ownership of your personal data.

Use Mine’s smart data assistant to locate and erase your digital footprint.Start taking control and delete your personal data from services you no longer use.

bulk opt-out

For your general information, please find below a list of the methods you may decide to use to Opt-out of the potential sale or sharing of your personal information in bulk. That is without the need to individually opt-out of each and every website you visit.

Please note: Your selections are specific to your chosen web browser and device.

What is Global Privacy control (Gpc)?

  • Online privacy should be accessible to everyone. It starts with a simpler way to exercise your rights.
  • Global Privacy Control (GPC) lets users signal their desired privacy, just by browsing.
  • Increasingly more businesses are configuring their websites and apps so that they automatically honor your GPC signal. This means that when you deal with these businesses you don't need to take any further action to protect your privacy.
  • GPC is available as part of several major browsers, extensions, and websites. Here is a list of the Founding Organizations.
  • Join over 50 million users.
  • Download a supported browser or extension and start exercising your privacy rights with GPC.

Google Analytics Opt-Out browser add-on

  • You can Bulk Opt-out of all Google Analytics cookie based-tracking by websites using the supported version of Google Analytics JavaScript (analytics.js, gtag.js) by downloading and installing the below Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on designed to be compatible with Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.

Industry developed opt-out tools

  • For example, the Digital Advertising Alliance’s CCPA Opt-Out tool allows California consumers to opt-out of the sale of personal information by some or all of that framework’s participating companies by accessing the DAA’s Opt-Out tool here: https://www.privacyrights.info.
  • The Digital Advertising Alliance also offers an application called AppChoices that helps you control interest-based advertising on mobile apps.

Web Browser Choice or Settings

Blocking Mobile Advertising Identifiers

  • Your mobile device settings may provide you with the ability to limit the use of the advertising ID associated with your device for interest-based advertising purposes. Additional information can be found here: https://www.networkadvertising.org/mobile-choice.

Advertising Platform Opt-Outs

How to Opt-out

If you are one of our Clients we recommend that you either contact us by sending an email or use the beta version of our Privacy Rights Request Portal to exercise your legal privacy rights (including the right to opt-out).

Website user Opt-out guide

1️⃣ Click our "Cookie Preferences” link to open our Privacy Preference Center (You can do this at anytime as our Cookie Preferences link can always be found within our website footer);

Our "Cookie Preferences" link can always be found in our website footer.

2️⃣ Setting the Marketing Cookie Consent toggle button to the Reject or Off position; then

3️⃣ Scrolling to the bottom and clicking on the "Confirm my Preferences and Close" button.

Please note: Your selections are specific to the particular web browser and device that you use to make them, and so would need to be separately submitted on different browsers or devices.

Clearing stored Cookies from your web browser's Cache

  • It is also possible, via relevant browser or device features, to delete previously stored Cookies (a.k.a Trackers), including those used to remember your initial consent. Other Trackers in the browser’s local memory may be cleared by deleting the browsing history otherwise described as Clearing your Cache.

What are the Consequences of denying consent to "All Cookies"?

  • You are free to decide whether or not to grant consent to use "All Cookies" on our website or only specific categories.
  • However, please note that Cookies (a.k.a. Trackers) help Blue Ocean Law Group to provide you with a better experience and advanced functionality. Therefore denying Cookie consent may cause technical issues on parts of our website.

Further Information

For further information on how you may exercise your discretion or legal right to opt-out, please see our Privacy Policy.

If you have questions regarding this Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information Notice or about the privacy practices of Blue Ocean Law Group, please contact us by email at privacy@blueocean.law.

Legal Notices

IF we DID USE third-partY Cookies or our first-party cookies do not function as expected they may potentially collect personally identifiable information about you whilst you are using our website

In compliance with the 2013 amendment to the California Online Privacy Protection Act of 2003 (CalOPPA), if you are a California resident, we are legally required to advise you that, UNLESS you take proactive steps to protect you privacy (refer below), THEN IF we did use Third-Party Cookies they may potentially collect personally identifiable information about you whilst you are growing our website.

For clarity, we only provide the above warning to comply with our legal requirements in the event that one of our First Party Cookies does not function as expected and collects personally identifiable information about you on behalf of a Third-Party.

To the best of our knowledge the First-Party Cookies we use on our website do not collect personally identifiable information about you. Where this may have been possible, for example when Google Analytics records your IP address, we have taken the following proactive measure to protect your privacy.

Our website does not RESPOND to your browser's DO NOT TRACK signal (if you have set one)

In further compliance with the 2013 amendment to the California Online Privacy Protection Act of 2003 (CalOPPA), if you are a California resident, we are legally required to advise you that our website DOES  NOT RESPOND to your browser's DO NOT TRACK signal (if you have set one).

This is because, in any event, Blue Ocean Law Group DO NOT TRACK you after you leave our website.


What is a Cookie?

A Cookie (a.k.a. Tracker) is a very small text file placed in temporary or longer-term local storage on your computer or mobile device. They are generated by the website you are visiting, and can be used by the website for a number of purposes ranging from but not limited to marketing and advertising, analytics and improving your user experience as some examples. Cookies may also be useful to record your preferences so that you are not asked the same questions when you return to the same website.

What is the difference between a First-Party Cookie and a Third-Party Cookie?

A First-Party Cookie is loaded on your computer or mobile device directly by our website server, whereas a Third-Party Cookie is placed on your computer or mobile device by an outside third-party (generally an advertiser or marketer).

Blue Ocean Law Group does not allow advertising on our website, consequently no Third-Party Cookies are placed on your computer or mobile device whilst you are browsing our website.