How do I best provide for the emergency care of my pet/s?

Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales
Northern Territory
South Australia
Western Australia

First things first!

Emergency Care for your Pet/s

✅ Complete your Pet Care Plan

You know your Pet/s best.

By completing a detailed Pet Care Plan for each of your Pets, you will be providing your emergency or longer-term carer with essential information which will improve your Pet's quality of life when you are not there.

You will need to include important details such as your Pet/s:

➲ Name;

➲ Breed;

➲ Age;

➲ Likes, Dislikes, Special Treats, Favourite Toys;

➲ As much detail as possible about everything really: personality, inside/outside, anxieties, phobias, typical daily routine; etc.

➲ Vet's Contact Details;

➲ Microchip Details, Medical History + Routine [desexed, vaccinations, etc.]; and

➲ Pet Insurance Details, Policy Number, etc.

✅ Ensure you leave a copy of your Pet Care Plan with …

➲ Emergency contact/s;

➲ Enduring Power of Attorney [EPOA];

➲ Executor/s of your Will;

➲ Estate planning paperwork; and

➲ Vet for safekeeping.

✅ If you become sick or injured …

If you live in NSW:

You can sign up for a free "My Pet is home alone" card which you can carry with you at all times in your wallet or with your medications list or medications (if applicable).

The card specifies the name and breed of your pet/s, and provides emergency contact details, as well as your Vet's phone number.

You can request a free card from the NSW Trustee + Guardian here.

Sample: NSW Trustee & Guardian Complimentary Emergency “My Pet is Home Alone Card

If you live in the ACT:

Pets and Positive Ageing ACT has produced a Pet Emergency Card which can be carried in your wallet to provide instructions on who can care for your pet should something happen to you.

Please contact Pets and Positive Ageing ACT if you would like one posted to your address.

Sample: Pets and Positive Ageing ACT developed this card which they hope vets will start to distribute from their surgeries.

If you live elsewhere in Australia:

Be on the lookout as other States may have, or may soon introduce similar Pet Emergency Card schemes.

Another example is the Animal Alert Card produced by the Animal Justice Party.

You can obtain one from its stall at public markets or by writing to the party.

Sample: A great idea from the Animal Justice Party to help take the anxiety away when people leave their pets at home alone.

Further Reading:

For a more detailed discussion please refer to our blog article “Care Planning for your Furry, Fluffy or Fine-Feathered Pets"  by James D. Ford GAICD | Principal Solicitor, Blue Ocean Law Group℠.


This FAQ was written by James D. Ford GAICD | Principal Solicitor, Blue Ocean Law Group℠.

Important Notice:

This FAQ is intended for general interest + information only.

It is not legal advice, nor should it be relied upon or used as such.

We recommend you always consult a lawyer for legal advice specifically tailored to your needs & circumstances.